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Wheat & flours
oats & meals
corn & meals
buckwheat Flour
The Place:

We are located 80 miles south-west of Chicago, just outside of Dwight.

The Farm:

The bulk of our production is feed grains,  all of which is now transitioning to organic production. We started transitioning 20 acres into organic production in 2004 and now have 223 acres certified organic by Oregon Tilth, with more transitioning to organic every year. The products listed for purchase have been grown, harvested, cleaned, stored and milled on our farm. It's never left the farm.
The People:

Great-great grandpa Lars Severson immigrated from Norway in 1866 and eventually settled in Garfield township, Illinois where he farmed and is now buried. I immigrated west a few miles to Goodfarm township in 1989.










I began by raising conventional corn and soybeans on my own in 1989.   After a few years

I met a pretty girl who not only loved me but the farm also.

I have quit raising pigs, and in addition to corn and soybeans have begun raising organic field peas, wheat, oats, popcorn, buckwheat, and the best crop of all; kids.
 Same kids,  same tractor 14 years apart.


Grandpa's brother cultivating corn near Gardner, IL. in 1917.



My oldest son,  teaching his sister to cultivate soybeans in 2018.  Our home place in the background.



Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands,  just as we told you,  so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12