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Wheat Products


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Certified Organic

Soft Red Winter (Pastry) Wheat / Flour

Falling Numbers

Flour made from soft wheat is usually considered a pastry flour. It's the type of wheat that is usually grown in Illinois by conventional farmers.
It's made from the same type of wheat as WhiteLily brand flour but ours' is not as white or refined.
My wife and daughter use this variety to make biscuits, pancakes, waffles, bread sticks, pizza crust etc. My kids like the taste. It has the nutty flavor of whole wheat but not the bitter taste associated with some soft red varieties.
This flour is not suitable for yeast breads without added gluten.

Available as berries, whole grain flour, sifted flour or clear flour:
Our whole wheat pastry flour has more and larger pieces of bran than most whole wheat flour found in stores. For cakes or finer pastries, you may need to sift it, or consider trying our sifted pastry flour instead.

94% extraction flour:  Almost whole wheat flour,  but 6% of the wheat kernel (the largest bran pieces) have been sifted out.  (Offered in 50 lb bag quantities)

High extraction flour:  (around 75% extraction rate) in which 25% of the largest pieces of bran and germ are sifted out.  It's still a tan/light brown color,  indicating a significant about of bran and germ are still included in the flour.  But it is more appropriate for finer pasties.

Clear (Fancy) flour is a derived flour from SRW wheat used for some recipes.  However,  most recipes which simply call for Clear flour are usually referring to Clear (First) flour,  derived from HRS wheat and listed below. 
We stone grind the wheat flours in small batches frequently and then store it cold to maintain nutrients and freshness.
Wheat berries are the whole wheat kernels that were cleaned but not ground. They can be ground into flour in a home mill, cooked and used as a salad or salad topping, eaten as a cereal, popped, etc.

Wheat bran we list is raw, unprocessed bran sifted out of our sifted flours.

Pastry type wheat/flour
Falling number = 274
Protein = 8.7%

Transitional Organic

Hard Red Spring (Bread) Wheat / Flour

Falling Numbers

Hard Red Spring (HRS) wheat makes some of the best bread flour in the world. Though Illinois is a little too far south and usually a little too wet to be considered an ideal environment for bread wheat, we've found a variety that is respectable when grown here. (Glenn)  It's a good taste, and popular with some Europeans, but a bit overpowering for most Americans if used straight (especially whole wheat). I suggest cutting it with another type of flour because of its strong flavor for most applications.  Sifting also removes a considerable amount of the strong taste.

Available as berries, whole wheat flour. high extraction sifted flour and clear flour.

Our sifted hard spring wheat flour (around 80% extraction) has a substantial amount of bran and germ left in it (indicated by it's tan/light brown color), which allows the strong taste of this variety to still come through.

Clear (first) flour is derived from HRS wheat.  It's a specialty flour used in some dark breads and other recipes,  especially of Jewish tradition.

Bread flour
Falling number = 316
Protein = 13.2%

Certified Organic


Hard Red Winter (Turkey Red) Wheat / Flour

Falling Numbers

Our Hard Red Winter (HRW) wheat is an old heirloom variety that originated in the Middle East country of Turkey, before it came to America and made wheat the dominate crop in Kansas. It is included in the Slow Foods Ark of Taste and has a long and interesting history you can search/read about starting at the Mennonite Heritage and Agricultural Museum or the History Channel. It makes a good tasting flour for general purposes and can also be used to make some forgiving yeast breads. It's taste is much milder than our HRS. The seed line we started with is thought to have originally come from Yoder, Kansas,  close to where the Mennonites originally introduced it from Turkey in the 1800's.

Available as berries, whole wheat flour and a high extraction (about 80%) sifted flour.

This high extraction sifted flour is good to use if you want to transition from conventional white all purpose flour to stone ground flour.

Heirloom wheat
Falling number = 357
Protein = 11.6%

Transitional Organic

All Purpose Flour

A blend of our sifted flours. Still a high extraction flour with a tan/ light brown color.
Mix n' Match

These purchase links have become outdated. Please purchase our wheat products off our new web page. 


Thank you. Brian